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Version: User Guides (BYOC)

Create Backup

Backups are point-of-time copies of a managed cluster or a specific collection on Zilliz Cloud. You can use it as a baseline for new clusters and collections or just for data backup.

Manually created backups are permanently retained on Zilliz Cloud, which means they will not be automatically deleted.

Before you start

Make sure the following conditions are met:

Create backup

You can create a backup file of your cluster or collection based on the following figure. Your cluster is still in service while Zilliz Cloud is creating the backup file.


A backup job will be generated. You can check the backup progress on the Jobs page. When the job status switches from IN PROGRESS to SUCCESSFUL, the backup is created successfully.


Within the same cluster, only one manually created backup job can be in progress or pending at a time. You can manually create another backup file when the previously requested job is completed.

Please note that the time it takes to create a backup varies. For cluster backups, it depends on the size of the cluster and the size of the CUs accommodating the cluster. For example, a single-collection cluster holding over 120 million records of 128-dimensional vectors on a 4-CU instance takes approximately 5 minutes to create a backup file.

Adjust backup file retention period

You can determine how long Zilliz Cloud keeps your backup file by setting Retention Period in days. Currently, the default retention period is 7 days, with a maximum of 30 days.