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Version: User Guides (BYOC)

Use Partition Key

This guide walks you through using the partition key to accelerate data retrieval from your collection.

Partition Key

You can set a particular field of a collection as the partition key. By doing so, Zilliz Cloud will distribute incoming entities into different partitions according to the hashes of their respective values in this field.

You can set the partition key name in the collection schema.

schema = MilvusClient.create_schema(
partition_key_field="id", # An existing scalar field
num_partitions=16 # Number of partitions. Defaults to 16.

Alternatively, you can set the partition key when adding fields.


After you have created a collection using the above schema, indexed some vector fields, and loaded the collection, you can conduct searches with a search filter involving the partition key. By doing so, Zilliz Cloud narrows the search scope to only the partitions that contain entities matching the partition key values in the search filter, accelerating search performance by avoiding the need to scan irrelevant partitions.


You can include one or multiple partition key values in the search filter as follows:

# Filter based on a single partition key value
filter='partition_key == "x" && <other conditions>'

# Filter based on multiple partition key values
filter='partition_key in ["x", "y", "z"] && <other conditions>'

Partition-key Isolation


Currently, the Partition-key Isolation feature is in Public Preview and available only to Performance-optimized clusters. If you are interested in using this feature, please submit a ticket.

If all your search filters involve only a single partition key value as in the multi-tenancy scenario, consider enabling the Partition-key Isolation feature. Specifically, you can enable this feature by using one of the following methods.

# Add properties while creating the collection
properties={"partitionkey.isolation": "true"}

# Or modify the collection with the ORM set_properties API
collection.set_properties({"partitionkey.isolation": "true"})

Once you enable this feature in the above created or modified collection and create an index on a vector field, Zilliz Cloud will generate an index file on the vector field for every set of entities with a unique partition key value.

Upon receiving a search request with the search filter involving the partition key, Zilliz Cloud further narrows the search scope to the entities containing the partition key value specified in the search filter.


After you have enabled Partition-key Isolation in a collection, you can include only one partition key value in the search filter.

# Filter based on the partition key alone
filter='partition_key == "x"'

# Filter based on the partition key and other conditions
filter='partition_key == "x" && <other conditions>'

If you want to use the partition key to implement multi-tenancy, you are advised to also enable Partition-key Isolation due to the following reasons:

  • Reduced index and load time

    With Partition-key Isolation, Zilliz Cloud creates and loads several small index files instead of a large one, spending less time.

  • Reduced search latencies

    With Partition-key Isolation, Zilliz Cloud further narrows the search scope to certain entities, reducing search latencies.

  • Reduced memory usage

    Memory usage is reduced because of smaller index files.


The above advantages may not be obvious if the number of unique partition key values is less than the number of partitions.

For all possible multi-tenancy strategies, see Multi-tenancy.