search()About to Deprecate
The MilvusClient interface. This method conducts an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search on a vector field and pairs up with a Boolean expression to conduct filtering on scalar fields before searching.
R<SearchResults> search(SearchParam requestParam);
Use the SearchParam.Builder
to construct a SearchParam
import io.milvus.param.dml.SearchParam;
SearchParam.Builder builder = SearchParam.newBuilder();
Methods of SearchParam.Builder
Method | Description | Parameters |
withCollectionName(collectionName) | Set the collection name. Collection name cannot be empty or null. | collectionName: The target collection name. |
withDatabaseName(String databaseName) | Sets the database name. database name can be null for default database. | databaseName: The database name. |
withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevelEnum consistencyLevel) | Consistency level used in the search. If the level is not set, will use the default consistency level of the collection. | consistencyLevel: The consistency level used in the search. |
withPartitionNames(List<String> partitionNames) | Sets partition names list to specify search scope (Optional). | partitionNames: The name list of partitions to be searched. |
addPartitionName(String partitionName) | Adds a partition to specify search scope (Optional). | partitionName: A partition name to be searched. |
withOutFields(List<String> outFields) | Specifies output scalar fields (Optional). |
addOutField(String fieldName) | Specifies an output scalar field (Optional). | fieldName: An output field name. |
withExpr(String expr) | Set the expression to filter scalar fields before searching(Optional).For more information please refer to this doc. | expr: The expression to filter scalar fields. |
withMetricType(MetricType metricType) | Set metric type of ANN search. | metricType: The metric type to search. |
withVectorFieldName(String vectorFieldName) | Set target vector field by name. Field name cannot be empty or null. | vectorFieldName: The target vector field name to do ANN search. |
withTopK(Integer topK) | Set topK value of ANN search. | topK: The topk value. |
withVectors(List<?> vectors) | Set the target vectors. Up to 16384 vectors allowed. | vectors: |
withFloatVectors(List<List<Float>gt; vectors) | Set the target vectors to search FloatVector field. Up to 16384 vectors allowed. | vectors: The target vectors |
withBinaryVectors(List<ByteBuffer> vectors) | Set the target vectors to search BinaryVector field. Up to 16384 vectors allowed. | vectors: The target vectors |
withFloat16Vectors(List<ByteBuffer> vectors) | Set the target vectors to search Float16Vector field. Up to 16384 vectors allowed. | vectors: The target vectors |
withBFloat16Vectors(List<List<Float>gt; vectors) | Set the target vectors to search BFloat16Vector field. Up to 16384 vectors allowed. | vectors: The target vectors |
withSparseFloatVectors(List<SortedMap<Long, Float>gt; vectors) | Set the target vectors to search SparseFloatVector field. Up to 16384 vectors allowed. | vectors: The target vectors |
withRoundDecimal(Integer decimal) | Specifies the decimal place for returned distance. | decimal: How many digits reserved after the decimal point. |
withParams(String params) | Specifies the parameters of search in JSON format. The followings are valid keys of param: | params: A JSON format string for extra parameters. |
withIgnoreGrowing(Boolean ignoreGrowing) | Ignore the growing segments to get best search performance. For the user case that don't require data visibility. | ignoreGrowing: Ignore growing segments or not. |
withGroupByFieldName(String groupByFieldName) | Sets field name to do grouping. | groupByFieldName: The name of a field to do grouping. |
build() | Construct a SearchParam object. | N/A |
can throw the following exceptions:
- ParamException: error if the parameter is invalid.
This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<SearchResults>
If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.
If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns
and the error message of the exception. -
If the API succeeds, it returns valid
held by theR
template. You can useSearchResultsWrapper
to get the results.
A tool class to encapsulate the SearchResults
import io.milvus.response.SearchResultsWrapper;
SearchResultsWrapper wrapper = new SearchResultsWrapper(searchResults);
Methods of SearchResultsWrapper
Method | Description | Parameters | Returns |
getFieldData(String fieldName, int indexOfTarget) | Gets data for an output field which is specified by SearchParam. Throws ParamException if the field doesn't exist or indexOfTarget is illegal. | fieldName: A field name which is specified by the withOutFields() of SearchParam. indexOfTarget: The order number of a target vector. |
getIDScore(int indexOfTarget) | Gets ID-score pairs returned by search(). Throws ParamException if the indexOfTarget is illegal.Throws IllegalResponseException if the returned results are illegal. | indexOfTarget: The order number of a target vector. | List<IDScore> |
getRowRecords(int indexOfTarget) | Gets row records from the search result. The ID is put into a QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord with key "id". The distance is put into a QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord with key "distance". | indexOfTarget: The order number of a target vector. | List<QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord> |
A tool class to hold a pair of ID and distance, along with values of the output fields.
Methods of SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore
Method | Description | Returns |
getLongID() | Get integer ID if the primary key type is Int64. | long |
getStrID() | Get string ID if the primary key type is VarChar. | String |
getScore() | Get distance value. | float |
get(String keyName) | Get a value by a key name. If the key name is a field name, return the value of this field.If the key name is in the dynamic field, return the value from the dynamic field.Throws ParamException if the key name doesn't exist. | Object |
import io.milvus.param.dml.*;
import io.milvus.response.SearchResultsWrapper;
import io.milvus.grpc.SearchResults;
SearchParam param = SearchParam.newBuilder()
.withParams("{\"nprobe\":10,\"offset\":2, \"limit\":3}")
R<SearchResults> response =
if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
SearchResultsWrapper wrapper = new SearchResultsWrapper(response.getData().getResults());
System.out.println("Search results:");
for (int i = 0; i < targetVectors.size(); ++i) {
List<SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore> scores = results.getIDScore(i);
for (SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore score:scores) {