Methods for you to manage collections.
alter_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation reassigns the alias of one collection to another.
alter_collection_field() [READ MORE]
This operation changes the specified collection field parameters.
alter_collection_properties() [READ MORE]
This operation alters the specified collection properties.
create_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation creates an alias for an existing collection.
create_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation supports creating a collection in two distinct ways quick setup or custom setup.
create_schema() [READ MORE]
This operation creates a collection schema.
DataType [READ MORE]
This is an enumeration that provides the following constants.
describe_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation displays the details of an alias.
describe_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation lists detailed information about a specific collection.
drop_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation drops a specified collection alias.
drop_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation drops a collection.
drop_collection_properties() [READ MORE]
This operation drops the specified collection properties.
get_collection_stats() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the statistics collected on a specific collection.
has_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation checks whether a specific collection exists.
list_aliases() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all existing aliases for a specific collection.
list_collections() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all existing collections.
rename_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation renames an existing collection.
FunctionType [READ MORE]
This is an enumeration that provides the following constants.