Methods related to implement role-based access control to your resources.
addPrivilegesToGroup() [READ MORE]
This operation adds privileges to a specific privilege group in Milvus.
addUserToRole() [READ MORE]
This operation adds a user to a specific role.
createUser() [READ MORE]
This operation creates a user.
deleteUser() [READ MORE]
This operation drops a user.
describeRole() [READ MORE]
This operation describes a specific role.
describeUser() [READ MORE]
This is a method template.
dropAllRoles() [READ MORE]
This operation drops all roles in Milvus.
dropPrivilegeGroup() [READ MORE]
This operation adds a user to a specific role.
grantPrivilegeV2() [READ MORE]
This operation assigns a privilege or a privilege group to a role.
grantRole() [READ MORE]
This operation grants a role to a user.
listGrant() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the privileges granted to the specified role.
listGrants() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the privileges granted to the specified role.
listPrivilegeGroups() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all privilege groups.
listRoles() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all custom roles.
listUsers() [READ MORE]
This operation lists currently available users.
removePrivilegesFromGroup() [READ MORE]
This operation removes privileges from a specific privilege group in Milvus.
removeUserFromRole() [READ MORE]
This operation removes a user from a specific role.
restoreRBAC() [READ MORE]
This operation restores RBAC configurations from a backup.
revokePrivilegeV2() [READ MORE]
This operation revokes a privilege already assigned to a role.
revokeRole() [READ MORE]
This operation revokes the role assigned to a user.
updateUser() [READ MORE]
This operation updates the password of a specific user.