Methods related to CRUD operations within a collection.
delete() [READ MORE]
This operation deletes entities by their IDs or with a boolean expression.
get() [READ MORE]
This operation gets specific entities by their IDs.
hybridSearch() [READ MORE]
This operation conducts a hybrid search with an optional scalar filtering expression.
insert() [READ MORE]
This operation inserts data into a specific collection.
query() [READ MORE]
This operation conducts a scalar filtering with a specified boolean expression.
queryIterator() [READ MORE]
This operation conducts a scalar filtering with a specified boolean expression.
search() [READ MORE]
This operation conducts a vector similarity search with an optional scalar filtering expression.
upsert() [READ MORE]
This operation inserts or updates data in a specific collection.
searchIterator() [READ MORE]
This operation conducts a scalar filtering with a specified boolean expression.