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This operation lists the partitions in a specified collection.

listPartitions(data): Promise<ShowPartitionsResponse>

Request Syntax

collection_name: string,
timeout?: number


  • collection_name (string) -


    The name of an existing collection.

  • timeout (number)

    The timeout duration for this operation. Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.

RETURNS Promise<ShowPartitionsResponse>

This method returns a promise that resolves to a ShowPartitionsResponse object.

created_timestamps: string | list[string],
created_utc_timestamps: string | list[string],
partitionIDs: number | list[number],
partition_names: string | list[string],
status: object


  • created_timestamps (string | list[string]) -

    The timestamp indicating the creation time of the partition.

  • created_utc_timestamps (string | list[string]) -

    The timestamp in UTC indicating the creation time of the partition.

  • partitionIDs (number | list[number]) -

    A list of the IDs of the partitions.

  • partition_names (string | list[string]) -

    A list of the names of the partitions.

  • status (object) -

    • code (number) -

      A code that indicates the operation result. It remains 0 if this operation succeeds.

    • error_code (string | number) -

      An error code that indicates an occurred error. It remains Success if this operation succeeds.

    • reason (string) -

      The reason that indicates the reason for the reported error. It remains an empty string if this operation succeeds.


new milvusClient(MILUVS_ADDRESS).listPartitions({
collection_name: 'my_collection',