Available Milvus utility functions.
alter_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation reassigns the alias of one collection to another.
BulkInsertState [READ MORE]
This is an enumeration that provides the following constants.
create_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation creates an alias for an existing collection.
create_resource_group() [READ MORE]
This operation creates a new resource group.
create_user() [READ MORE]
This operation creates a new user with a corresponding password.
delete_user() [READ MORE]
This operation deletes an existing user.
describe_resource_group() [READ MORE]
This operation describes the details of a specific resource group.
do_bulk_insert() [READ MORE]
This operation bulk-inserts data from specified files.
drop_alias() [READ MORE]
This operation drops a specified collection alias.
drop_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation drops a specific collection.
drop_resource_group() [READ MORE]
This operation drops a resource group.
flush_all() [READ MORE]
This operation seals all segments.
get_bulk_insert_state() [READ MORE]
This operation returns the state of a specified bulk-insert task.
get_query_segment_info() [READ MORE]
This operation gets information about the sealed and growing segments in the query cluster.
get_server_type() [READ MORE]
This operation checks the type of the Zilliz Cloud cluster.
get_server_version() [READ MORE]
This operation checks the version of the Zilliz Cloud cluster.
has_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation checks whether a collection exists.
has_partition() [READ MORE]
This operation checks whether a partition exists.
hybridts_to_datetime() [READ MORE]
This operation converts a hybrid timestamp to a Python's datetime object.
hybridts_to_unixtime() [READ MORE]
This operation converts a hybrid timestamp to a UNIX epoch timestamp
index_building_progress() [READ MORE]
This operation returns the progress of the index-building process.
list_aliases() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all existing aliases for a specific collection.
list_bulk_insert_tasks() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all bulk-insert tasks.
list_collections() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all collections in the database used in the current connection.
list_indexes() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all indexes of a specific collection.
list_resource_groups() [READ MORE]
This operation lists all resource groups in the currently connected Zilliz Cloud cluster.
list_roles() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the information about all existing roles.
list_user() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the information of a specific user.
list_usernames() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the names of all existing users.
list_users() [READ MORE]
This operation lists the information of all existing users.
loading_progress() [READ MORE]
This operation returns the load progress of a specific collection.
load_balance() [READ MORE]
This operation sets up a load-balancing group between two query nodes for a specific collection.
load_state() [READ MORE]
This operation returns the load status of a specific collection.
mkts_from_datetime() [READ MORE]
This operation makes a hybrid timestamp from a Python's datetime.datetime object.
mkts_from_hybridts() [READ MORE]
This operation makes a hybrid timestamp from another hybrid timestamp.
mkts_from_unixtime() [READ MORE]
This operation converts a hybrid timestamp from a UNIX epoch timestamp.
rename_collection() [READ MORE]
This operation renames an existing collection and optionally moves the collection to a new database.
reset_password() [READ MORE]
This operation resets the password for a specific user.
transfer_node() [READ MORE]
This operation moves a specific number of query nodes from the source resource group to the target resource group.
transfer_replica() [READ MORE]
This operation transfers a specific number of replicas between resource groups.
update_password() [READ MORE]
This operation updates the password for a specific user.
wait_for_index_building_complete() [READ MORE]
This operation blocks the current process until the specified index has been built.
wait_for_loading_complete() [READ MORE]
This operation blocks the current process until the specified collection has been loaded.