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About to Deprecate

This operation creates a new resource group.

📘What is a resource group?

A resource group can hold several or all of the query nodes in a Zilliz Cloud cluster. When you load a collection by calling load(), Zilliz Cloud loads the data of the collection into certain query nodes.

There is a default resource group named _defaultresource_group available in every Zilliz Cloud cluster that holds all its query nodes.

Use describeresourcegroup() to check the actual number. If there are multiple query nodes available, consider creating resource groups and distributing the query nodes among them.

Request Syntax

name: str,
using: str,
timeout: float | None,


  • name (str) -


    The name of the resource group to create.

    Setting this to the name of an existing resource group results in a MilvusException.

  • using (str) -

    The alias of the employed connection.

    The default value is default, indicating that this operation employs the default connection.

  • timeout (float | None)

    The timeout duration for this operation. Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.

  • kwargs

    Optional parameters. Currently, you can set config to specify the configuration of the resource group.

    • config (ResourceGroupConfig) -

      A ResourceGroupConfig object that represents the configuration of the resource group.

      ├── ResourceGroupConfig
      │ ├── requests
      │ │ └── node_num
      │ └── limits
      │ └── node_num
      • requests (dict) -

        A dictionary specifying the number of query nodes that the resource group should hold. This key should include:

        • node_num (int) - The number of query nodes requested for the resource group.
      • limits (dict) -

        A dictionary specifying the maximum number of query nodes that the resource group can hold. This key should include:

        • node_num (int) - The maximum number of query nodes allowed for the resource group.






  • MilvusException

    This exception will be raised when any error occurs during this operation.


from pymilvus import connections, utility

# Connect to localhost:19530

# Create a resource group

name = "rg" # A resource group name should be a string of 1 to 255 characters, starting with a letter or an underscore (_) and containing only numbers, letters, and underscores (_).
node_num = 1

config = utility.ResourceGroupConfig(
requests={'node_num': node_num}, # The number of query nodes that the resource group should hold.
limits={'node_num': node_num} # The maximum number of query nodes that the resource group can hold.

name, # The name of the resource group to be created.
using='default', # The database to use.
config=config, # The configuration of the resource group.
print(f'Succeeded in creating resource group {name}.')
except Exception:
print(f'Failed to create resource group {name}.')

The following operations are related to create_resource_group():