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Version: User Guides (Cloud)

Manage Organization Users

In Zilliz Cloud, an organization typically represents a company. You can invite employees to your organization and assign them roles based on their job functions. These roles determine the user's access to specific resources and the operations they can perform. For example, developers generally require access to data but do not need billing privileges.

This guide explains how to manage organization users, including how to invite users to an organization, revoke or resend invitations, modify the role of an organization user, or remove an organization user.

Invite a user to your organization

When inviting a user to your organization, you need to grant a role to the user which defines the access to resources and the privileges to perform certain operations within this organization.

To invite users, enter the email addresses of the users you wish to invite. Then select the organization role you wish to grant to the new organization users.

Organization roles

Zilliz Cloud provides three organization roles. These roles cannot be modified or deleted.

Note that if you are an Organization Member or an Organization Billing Admin, you can only grant invitees the role of Organization Member.

The invitees will receive an invitation via email, which must be accepted within 48 hours to join the organization.


Each time you can invite one or more users with the same role to the organization. Each organization can have up to 100 users.


Revoke or resend an invitation

After you invite a user to join your organization, Zilliz Cloud sends an invitation email to the user. You can revoke or resend the invitation before the user accepts it.


Edit the role of an organization user

Once a user accepts the invitation and joins your organization, you can adjust their roles according to your needs.

To edit the role of an organization user, you must be an Organization Owner.


Remove an organization user

If a user no longer belongs to your organization, you can remove the user.

To remove an organization user, you must be an Organization Owner.


Leave an organization

When you no longer belong to an organization, you have the option to leave it.

Each organization must have at least one organization owner. If you are the only owner of an organization, you cannot leave it.


Once you leave an organization, you will no longer be able to access the organization and associated resources.

You can leave an organization in either of the following ways:

  • Leave an organization on the organization list page:


  • Enter an organization and leave it on the Organization Members page:
