Cluster Operations
This set of APIs provides a way to manage Zilliz Cloud clusters in a cloud provider.
Cluster Operations [READ MORE]
This set of APIs provides a way to manage Zilliz Cloud clusters in a cloud provider.
Create Dedicated Cluster [READ MORE]
Create a dedicated cluster.
Create Free Cluster [READ MORE]
Create free cluster. Currently, you can create a free cluster on Zilliz Cloud. For the number of clusters that can be created, please refer to the [Zilliz Cloud Limits](/docs/limits#clusters-and-cus).
Create Serverless Cluster [READ MORE]
Create serverless cluster.
Describe Cluster [READ MORE]
Describe a cluster in detail.
Drop Cluster [READ MORE]
Drop the specified cluster.
List Clusters [READ MORE]
List all clusters scoped to API Key.
List Projects [READ MORE]
List all projects scoped to API-Key.
Modify Cluster [READ MORE]
Modify a dedicated cluster. You can increase or reduce the number of CUs allocated to the cluster.
Query Cluster Metrics [READ MORE]
Query the metrics of a specific cluster.
Resume Cluster [READ MORE]
Resume a dedicated cluster.
Suspend Cluster [READ MORE]
Suspend a dedicated cluster.