Methods related to collection management and data operations.
NewCollection() [READ MORE]
This method creates a collection in a Zilliz Cloud cluster.
CreateCollection() [READ MORE]
This method creates a collection with the specified schema.
DescribeCollection() [READ MORE]
This method returns the details of a specific collection.
DropCollection() [READ MORE]
This method drops the specified collection and the entities within.
ListCollections() [READ MORE]
This method lists collections within the connected database.
LoadCollection() [READ MORE]
This method loads the specified collection to memory (for search and query).
ReleaseCollection() [READ MORE]
This method releases the specified collection from memory.
Insert() [READ MORE]
This method inserts entities organized in columns into the specified collection.
InsertRows() [READ MORE]
This method inserts entities organized in rows into the specified collection.
Upsert() [READ MORE]
This method updates or inserts data into the specified collection.
Delete() [READ MORE]
This method deletes the entities that match the specified filtering conditions from a collection.
DeleteByPks() [READ MORE]
This method deletes the specified entities from a collection.
Search() [READ MORE]
This method conducts a similarity search.
Query() [READ MORE]
This method conducts metadata filtering within a collection.
This method gets entities by their IDs.
Flush() [READ MORE]
This method synchronously stores entities from memory to storage and returns when the operations on every segments are complete.
GetLoadState() [READ MORE]
This method displays the load status of a specific collection or its partitions.
Columns [READ MORE]
The struct types on this page implement the method signatures of the entity.Column interface.
Vectors [READ MORE]
The types on this page implemented the method signatures of the entity.Vector interface.
SearchParams [READ MORE]
The types on this page implemented the method signatures of the entity.SearchParam interface.